Work where you want, when you want.
Sound like a dream? This sentence is part of Brix Software’s strategy of complete flexibility, with many employees getting to choose if they want to work from home or the office, whenever and wherever is best for them.
Contact is maintained between everyone with the use of various technological tools and the results speak entirely for themselves.
But beyond the numbers and results, this privilege allows the company to find talent in places no one else is looking. Take for example, the fact that they can reach candidates who live outside of the city but didn’t want to give up their careers in high tech, or people who want to migrate to Israel but want to find a job and a solid base first. This has created a company made up of human capital that can’t be found at any other, and it’s been working wonderfully. It’s worth hearing Debbie Oziel, Brix’s Director of Talent Aquisition, discuss employee diversity and the synergy created from it.
We’re committed to leaving organizations and their people in a truly better place –
more changeable, more engaged and better equipped for creating a better future.