Podcast 19: Netta Fiss, VP HR @ idomoo

Podcast 19: Netta Fiss, VP HR @ idomoo

Holistic is the name of the game, especially when it comes to recruitment.

Every employer wants to make sure he is recruiting the most talented employees who accurately meet qualifications and company culture. If you want to recruit human capital that’s no less than amazing, it’s not enough to talk about channels like human resources, recruitment, marketing, branding, etc, as if they were all separate from one another. Your recruitment efforts must include combined activity between all departments and channels, and begin with the most important foundation: employer branding.

Netta Fiss, VP of Human Resources at Idomoo, recently came to be a guest on our podcast and talked with Mihal Dahari about how employer branding impacts recruitment in a company, important things to remember for a proper employer branding process and how it comes together with the rest of the company’s recruitment efforts. Enjoy >>

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