Podcast 13: Noam Avimor-Paneth, HR manager @ OTORIO

Podcast 13: Noam Avimor-Paneth, HR manager @ OTORIO

Startups experience every recruiting challenge in existence. At the beginning, they need to know how to choose the right person without any infrastructure, deliberate methodology or guidelines to draw upon. Then, in more advanced stages, startups need to recruit a large team quickly while sticking to the values they established along the way. “A lot of companies want to recruit quickly without thinking in-depth about the DNA of the company both in terms of its existing employees and the company’s needs,” says Noam Avimor-Paneth, an expert in recruitment strategies. In order to do that, you need to know how to work not only agile, but smart, organized and invest real time and thought in building the company itself alongside the product.

Noam told us all about how OTORIO does it >>

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