Employing workers in the age of corona: stay optimistic and don’t forget the rules. Attorney Shira Lahat, a labor law expert and partner at the Yigal Arnon law firm recently sat down with us to share a few things that are important to know.
Employing workers in the age of corona: stay optimistic and don’t forget the rules. Attorney Shira Lahat, a labor law expert and partner at the Yigal Arnon law firm recently sat down with us to share a few things that are important to know.
Sivan Malchi, an organizational and strategy consultant for corporate recruitment recently visited us to talk about the new work reality, how to properly prepare for it and how to continue thinking a little further into the future despite the conditions of uncertainty.
When a small startup manages to turn teams into communities in 22 different locations in the world, thereby having a positive impact on an organization and its employees, that’s a story worth hearing.
So, how do you increase the level of employee involvement in wellness activities?
Everything around us is changing quickly and requires us to look at things from a different angle, innovating in almost every field. But many wonder how this innovation actually manifests itself. As you’ll see, it does so on the most basic of levels.
A little creative thinking, need and determination – these can make complex processes refreshing and innovative.
Now is the time to question old habits and processes that have been conducted the same for years simply because that’s how they’ve always been done.
We need to begin understand the change. It’s no longer temporary and we’ll only fully comprehend its scope in the future, but this might be a good time to embrace the change, and choose optimism every morning when we wake up.
In the vast majority of cases, however, your decision isn’t going to be so easy.
The interview focuses on the employment of young people to technological positions, including the challenges involved, the adjustments that need to be made and the amazing potential in talent that this kind of step could have for a technology company.
In the vast majority of cases, however, your decision isn’t going to be so easy.
Michal Rosen deals with strategic and analytical office and space design and planning for an end result that matches the DNA of an organization while realizing business principles based on research and business insights.
What do you think of when you think of an executive? Probably a high-level manager making broad decisions that filter down through the ranks where the actual work gets done. You might imagine such an executive making business deals, sitting in meetings, making strategic decisions and attending industry conferences – and you wouldn’t be wrong.
Finding talent that’s right for you under these conditions isn’t an easy task, and it gets even more complicated for those who don’t have a marketing department of any kind. So, how do you do it? Noam Avimor-Paneth, a recruiting strategies expert at OTORIO, has shared some very useful tips with us. Especially if you’re recruiting for a small organization – this is the podcast for you.
We’re committed to leaving organizations and their people in a truly better place –
more changeable, more engaged and better equipped for creating a better future.