
We encourage our team to grow, learn and improve their skills. We have learned that a good team is all about communication, and being able to express yourself, so we always offer our team the chance to share their knowledge. It is a work in progress, but we do it together and have fun along the way.
Enjoy, and welcome to our back yard. 
Podcast 6: Interviewing Liat Amidan Mann, Senior HRBP @ Nielsen

Beyond the mandatory requirements to integrate employees with disabilities into your company, the benefits are huge. After all, a company is little more than a collection of the individuals who work there. The more diverse and rich a company’s human assets are, the more you gain in-depth, opportunities, meaning and connection.

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Podcast 19: Netta Fiss, VP HR @ idomoo

Netta Fiss, VP of Human Resources at Idomoo, recently came to be a guest on our podcast and talked with Mihal Dahari about how employer branding impacts recruitment in a company, important things to remember for a proper employer branding process and how it comes together with the rest of the company’s recruitment efforts.

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Podcast 18: Tal Daskal, CEO of EasySend

We recently hosted Tal Daskel, CEO of EasySend, on our podcast for a conversation the recruitment process in his company and the importance of a candidate’s suitability to the company’s character and not just the job requirements.

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We’re committed to leaving organizations and their people in a truly better place 
 more changeable, more engaged and better equipped for creating a better future.