Hosting Dror Davidoff: Mental flexibility, quick adaptability and creative solutions

Water cooler conversations on ZOOM, a virtual wine club and morning standup – Dana Bash Shalah and Dror Davidoff talk about how to adapt to the daily life of the company and why informal communication is just as important as everything else. Aqua Security is a company that provides cloud security services, employees over 250 people around the world and works with huge companies we are all familiar with. 

The corona crisis caught the company during a burst of growth and has already been going on for several years, and even while the cloud industry grows and remains in motion, the effects of the crisis cannot be avoided. The necessary professional adjustments were clear from the beginning: canceling business flights and sending employees to work from home. This is a story we are all familiar with by now. But then what? Understanding that we’re dealing with a new reality that isn’t going to change anytime soon, the company’s leadership set out to find solutions. These began with the increased use of communication platforms and redirecting budgets to allow for long-term changes, and extending to addressing the informal and social aspects of the workplace. 

Here’s an awesome video on mental flexibility, quick adaptability and creative solutions >>


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